Water heater/boiler that operates on used motor oil for fuel.
Reznor® Model RAB Series Used Oil Boilers are available in two sizes with BTUH inputs of 350,000 and 500,000. The boilers are equipped with burners that are designed to burn used oil but will also burn No. 2 fuel oil. The used oil must be no heavier than 50 weight and not lighter than No. 2 fuel oil.
The boiler is made of GL-180M silicone injected, gray cast iron giving it excellent corrosion resistance, flexibility, and high thermal conductivity. The double wall sectional construction allows for a high efficiency three pass heat exchanger. Flue ways are sealed gas-tight with tongue and groove designed sections and elastic high temperature sealing rope. The unique water flow pattern eliminates thermal shock by using supply water to preheat the return water before it enters the main heat exchanger. Under normal conditions, there is no minimum return water temperature and no minimum flow requirements. A minimum supply temperature of 122°F must be maintained during burner operation. (NOTE: If the application could include a return with the temperature of ice water, maintain 158°F in the boiler.) Internal water circulation and injection combined with deflection plates ensure condensate-free boiler operation under no-flow conditions.
Standard Features
Accessories - Field Installed